
Skin-to-Skin Bonding and Postpartum Hemorrhage
Did you know, "Each year, about 14 million women experience PPH resulting in about 70,000 maternal deaths globally.". With maternal mortality being a high-priority topic, hospitals and healthcare professionals strive to make the...
Skin-to-Skin Bonding and Postpartum Hemorrhage
Did you know, "Each year, about 14 million women experience PPH resulting in about 70,000 maternal deaths globally.". With maternal mortality being a high-priority topic, hospitals and healthcare professionals strive to make the...

Postpartum Recovery Mobility with The Aegis Wrap
Let's face it, getting mobile during postpartum recovery is hard and nearly seems impossible after going through a major health event like a vaginal or a c-section birth. The truth...
Postpartum Recovery Mobility with The Aegis Wrap
Let's face it, getting mobile during postpartum recovery is hard and nearly seems impossible after going through a major health event like a vaginal or a c-section birth. The truth...

Maternal Fatigue During Postpartum Recovery - H...
Do you remember being so exhausted from pulling all-nighters for those final exams? You try and drink as much coffee as possible, keep all the lights on, or even try...
Maternal Fatigue During Postpartum Recovery - H...
Do you remember being so exhausted from pulling all-nighters for those final exams? You try and drink as much coffee as possible, keep all the lights on, or even try...