Let's face it, getting mobile during postpartum recovery is hard and nearly seems impossible after going through a major health event like a vaginal or a c-section birth. The truth is: it's so important to get mobile and is a lot easier with a little help from The Aegis Wrap.
New moms: after your birth (depending on your anesthesia) the hospital is going to have you get up and start walking around within a few hours after your birth. Crazy right? However, it is so essential to your recovery. Getting up to slowly stand and walk after birth is for reducing the risk of blood clots. The SCD's in the operating room only do so much.
What is so incredible about the Aegis Wrap is that you are able to be 100% hands-free while skin to skin bonding with your baby, even when standing and walking. Most neonatal skin to skin wraps can't do this! You want to make sure you newborn is in the Aegis Wrap if you want to practice safe skin to skin and not. traditional sling due to the airway and proper positioning support for a newborn who cannot support their own neck and head.
While you are wearing baby skin-to-skin with Aegis, you can get up and walk around while Aegis position baby to reestablish your pregnancy posture and balance, reducing the risk of falls. Pre-pregnancy posture takes 1-3 months to correct and walking with baby skin-to-skin helps!
You've probably heard your friends and family talk about how hard it is to do simple tasks while recovering in the postpartum recovery room. Did you know, most nurseries in the US have been closed since early 2010's and have switched to the rooming-in policy, where baby is with you 24/7?
By wearing the Aegis Wrap you can be 100% hands-free to do the small things like: putting your hair up, eating, texting and going on social media, going to the bathroom, and grabbing personal items around the room. This gives you a peace of mind while you snuggle your baby and reap all the amazing physiological and psychological benefits of skin-to-skin and reduce the risk of accidentally dropping your baby.
If you have questions, contact your physician about safe baby wearing for skin to skin or email us directly for any questions.