Labor & Delivery is the Only Floor in the Hospital Where a Patient is Expected to Care for Another Patient™
Mitigate risks associated with maternal fatigue. The Aegis Wrap is 100% Hands-Free and allows mom to safely and securely perform zero separation, skin-to-skin while decreasing the risk of in-hopistal baby drops and falls.
- Did you know, 75.5% of baby drops happen within the first 48 hours of postpartum recovery?
- Nurses love Aegis because in the case of mom falling asleep, they find baby maintained in the wrap and not in the side-rails or on the floor.
*The Aegis Neonate Medical Wrap is not a co-sleeping device.

There is no machine in the NICU that can replace a mothers touch.
The Aegis Neonate Medical wrap enhances KMC for a safer, more secure, bonding experience.
- X-STATIC SILVER™ technology maintains thermoregulation for LBW and preemies.
- X-STATIC SILVER™ technology is knitted throughout the wrap to use as a "sleeping bag"/ sleep-sack to maintain core body thermoregulation while in the incubators.
- Mother's smell stays on the wrap, reducing cortisol levels in neonates, even when mom isn't present.
- Aegis has two sets of bra-hook like closures allowing for easy access for lines, tubes, and hands.

Hands-Free, Zero-Separation, Couplet-Care during C-Section Deliveries
The Aegis Wrap is the ONLY FDA cleared (not just registered) baby-wearing device for skin-to-skin in the Operating Room.
- Reduce the risk of neonatal cold-stress/hypothermia
- Reduce the risk of postpartum hemorrhage
- Reduce the risk of in-hospital, newborn falls
Clinically Approved & Recommended
Dr. Hargis, OB/GYN
"As a member of the tribe of women who are dedicated to safe delivery of each precious baby, this creation is a heaven sent. It will revolutionize how mothers care for and protect their newborns. Aegis will transform hospital practices around the world"
Kelly, RN, NICU Director
"We absolutely love AEGIS. We are over the top excited for the patient safety that it provides and the high quality mom and baby bonding it
allows." -
Tomi, RN, IBCLC, Perinatal Safety Specialist
"I love AEGIS. Its a fantastic product. We have been testing it with some of our L&D nurses and they are the toughest critics of all and they love it and can't wait to
share it with our patients."
One Product, Many Solutions
Breastfeeding Support with The Aegis Wrap
The Aegis Wrap is a breastfeeding support system that acts as a...
Aegis Wrap Provides Hands-Free Mobility
In the Aegis Wrap, moms and dads are able to bond skin-to-skin...
X-Static Silver™ aids in thermoregulation in cold Operating & Postpartum Room temperatures.
X-Static Silver™ TechnologyBaby is used to a 98.6 degree (f) environment and is then born into a 65 degree (f) room. This poses a major risk of neonatal hypothermia, especially if mom is given anesthesia.
Skin-to-Skin bonding is the WHO's recommended method in neonatal thermoregulation .
Clinically tested for everyone's safety.
Learn MoreThe Aegis Wrap is the ONLY FDA cleared General Wellness baby wearing device.
Why does this matter?
Hospital Policy states that everything in the Operating Room must be FDA cleared. If not, this poses a major safety risk to everyone involved.
Exclusive Skin-to-Skin for All.
WHO StudyShare the love with Aegis.
The Aegis Wrap allows any wearer: mom, dad, nurse, surrogate, etc, to practice safe skin-to-skin to reap the physiological and psychological benefits of skin-to-skin bonding.
Forget the golden hour: The WHO now recommends uninterrupted skin-to-skin bonding for much longer immediately after birth.
Aegis Wrap Optimizes Thermoregulation
Mom is the ultimate incubator: Since conception mom has been baby's personal...
Aegis Wrap's FDA Clearance
The Aegis Wrap is a FDA cleared General Wellness (C#170068) skin-to-skin wrap...
Aegis Wrap Sizing
The Aegis Wrap has five sizes that range from 29 inches to...